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by SPCK - N T Wright
2. The Rhetoric of Empire (II) Material Culture Augustus claimed – it has since become a cliché – that he found Rome brick and left it marble. As Galinsky points out, this was more than simply a metaphor.44 New shiny buildings dominated the centre of the city, with new temples in…
Mary's travelling to Bethlehem town
Mary's travelling to Bethlehem town
by Avis Palmer
Mary's travelling to Bethlehem town, Christmas hope, rejoicing and peace. Requiring rest, she's tired and worn, Finds a barn where her son is born. Christ is cradled in Bethlehem town, Christmas hope, rejoicing and peace. Receiving his first kiss and caress, Heaven is held and wo…
We seek the welfare of this place
We seek the welfare of this place
by Michael Docker
We seek the welfare of this place; Where people work and rest and play Looking to all that makes for peace In Christ the Truth, the Life, the Way. We trust that here God works his work Through all life's changing, growing scenes; Lighting a way through all that's dark - Lending C…
Psalms for Everyone - Be Still and Know That I am God
Psalms for Everyone - Be Still and Know That I am God
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Be Still and Know That I Am God Psalm 46 For nearly a thousand years, most of what is now Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, and other areas comprised the Holy Roman Empire. It had a legislative assembly confusingly called a diet, which in 1521 met at a Germ…
Gifts in Open Hands: More Worship Resources for the Global Community (The Pilgrim Press) - Hear the word of grace
Gifts in Open Hands: More Worship Resources for the Global Community (The Pilgrim Press) - Hear the word of grace
by Norman J Goreham (1931-2021)
This hymn is based on the wording of the Absolution in the liturgy. It encourages us to accept God's gift of forgiveness and live at peace with ourselves and others.
Journeying with Matthew Lectionary Year A - Ordinary Time
Journeying with Matthew Lectionary Year A - Ordinary Time
by SPCK - Woodward, Gooder and Pryce
8 Ordinary Time Exploring the text One of the themes of Matthew’s Gospel that recurs over and over again (and especially in the readings that appear during Ordinary Time) is the theme of what it means to be a community, and in particular what it means to be the Jesus community...
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 38:8, 10
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 38:8, 10
by SPCK - James Jones
Psalm 38:8, 10 The success of those who trample on others with no regard for God or any moral principles can be very confusing for those of us who try to live our life by faith. It’s not unusual for us to make a costly decision in favour of doing what we believe to be right befor…
GOD's rich Pattern - A painful parting
GOD's rich Pattern - A painful parting
by SPCK - Dr Lin Berwick
A painful parting Ralph’s deterioration, both mentally and physically, took a huge downturn. He was constantly falling, finding himself in a totally agitated state, unable to stand. After two falls in the middle of the night, which my carer and I had to cope with, it was time to …
Occasions for Alleluia - Unbend the bow
Occasions for Alleluia - Unbend the bow
by SPCK - David Adam
Unbend the bow Men go abroad to wonder at the height of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars; and they pass by themselves without wondering. (Augustine, Confessions X.8)...
Meditation - 2nd Sunday of Easter Year A
Meditation - 2nd Sunday of Easter Year A
by David Middleton
Meditation - 2nd Sunday of Easter Time Year A Go and tell others! John 20: 19-31 I’ll never forget the first time we saw Jesus after his resurrection. It was the first day of the week. We’d spent all Sabbath moping around and wondering what to do with ourselves; after three years…
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 57:8
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 57:8
by SPCK - James Jones
Psalm 57:8 Whatever we fix on to in the end absorbs us, so much so that we become dependent on it. That dependency becomes a way of life, integrated into our being. It’s as if we were made to be dependent. ‘No man is an island’, and even those loners who seem so independent of ot…
Poem/Meditation: Fruits of the Spirit
Poem/Meditation: Fruits of the Spirit
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem/Meditation: Fruits of the Spirit If people looking for the evidence of our faith turn to the church today, what do they see? Is there a danger that they will find indifference, when they need love: moaning and complaining, when they need joy: bickering and back-biting, when …
The Open Gate - Blessings
The Open Gate - Blessings
by SPCK - David Adam
Blessings Blessings are what God bestows upon us, continually. His whole action towards us is blessing, from the blessing of life itself to the gifts He showers upon us. The great blessings are the gift of Himself, and the gift of eternal life. No blessing is ours by right, but i…
Responsive prayer based on Psalm 23